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Image by Amandine BATAILLE

Join our new program:

Incense, Outsense &
Other Nonsense

 A 3-Month Online Spiritual Mentorship with Emily Dexter & KristaLyn Sofia

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Harness your innate spiritual & psychic abilities,
step into your unique gifts, and transform your personal practice in just 3 months of personalized mentorship!

Your truth is your medicine.

During this program you will get the support you need to open up your channeling abilities, tune into your inner wisdom, and weave magic into your reality.


This immersive, 3-month spiritual mentorship with Emily and KristaLyn will cover:


  • ​Connecting with guides, deities, and your intuition

  • Mastering the core principles of ritual & folk magic

  • The basics of divinatory practices and channeling

  • Belief work to anchor and explore your unique spirituality

  • Identifying and clearing your blocks to psychic development

  • Applying astrological wisdom to everyday life

  • Energy healing & consciousness-expanding techniques

... and more!  

Image by Natali Hordiiuk


Transform your life and spiritual practice in three months of guided mentorship:


  • Spiritual basics, tools, and hygiene

  • Spirit Guides 101: your guides and you

  • Understanding your psychic senses

  • Block Pulling & Belief Work

  • Energy Healing Basics

  • Feeling & Seeing Energy

  • Pen your Grimoire

  • Divination 101: cards, bibliomancy, and more!


  • The nature of the Universe & communicating with it

  • Signs vs. Omens & guide communication

  • Astrology, Palm Reading, Smoke Scrying

  • Folk Magic 101: types of Ritual Magics, Lunar Cycles, Magical Materia, Ritual Spaces & Timing, Altar Making

  • Manifestation: what it is and how it works, when to manifest and when to rest & manifestation techniques

  • Channeled writing the future

  • Warding & protecting your space


  • Building your own magical technique & How to build a talisman

  • Types of Beings & Realms, including Fae & House Spirits

  • Daimones, Deity Work, and Higher Self Communication

  • Generational Curse Breaking, Ancestral Work, and Past Lives

  • Channeled History and Object & Animal Communication

  • Crafting your own meditations

  • Lucid Dreaming/Astral Projection

  • Protection magic & techniques: cord cutting, fragment retrieval, releasing cursed energy, removing fallens or attachments

December Practicum

  • Energy Healing

  • Winter Festivals & Deities 

  • Pomanders

  • 12 Days of Christmas

  • Saturnalia

BONUS: Free Alumni Reunion at each Sacred Spaces Gathering (Forever!)

If you’ve ever wanted a trusted mentor to help you find the spiritual answers you’re seeking, provide guidance on where to go next, and help you truly make your life more magical...

... this program is for you!

Enroll and...

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Connect deeply with your Guides, gifts & the Universe

Connect with the magic of the beings and realms around you through proven easy and fun to use techniques. This is a channeling and magic adventure where every week your spiritual understanding will grow! 

Experience us channeling with and for you! 

One of the most unique facets of this program is that the big spiritual concepts it deals with are things that we will be channeling in and working with right along with you, helping guide you with messages and insight as well as creating even more energy for the group as a whole and individually!

Learn techniques we use!

Dive into our combined 30 years of experience in the spiritual world and learn our techniques and best practices to get the most out of your spiritual journey. 

Join a tight-knit community

The number one way to grow your spiritual practice and gifts is to have friends to do it with. That is why we mentor in groups, the growth and connection of spiritual friends is irreplicable! 

Create your own personal Magical & Spiritual Modalities

You are the only one with your abilities and magic, and during this program you will craft your own methods, language with the universe, channeling techniques, healing, magic practices and so much more!​ This program is all about discovering your spiritual identity and personal power.

Learn and ask questions on bi-weekly group calls

Every Monday we will be doing a live lesson, tackling that week's topics and information. Then each Friday we gather for a live Q&A call where we support you with guidance on all the questions and ahas you have found that week. (Calls are held at 2pm EST and are recorded)

Receive guidance from us

This program is only accepting a very limited amount of students to ensure that everyone in the group has our knowledge and understanding for their journey. 

Confidently use several different spiritual tools

Get our tips and ticks on how to use a variety of spiritual tools, such as Tarot and Oracle cards, Pendulums, Channeled writing, Bibliomancy and more! 


Meet your Mentors:

KristaLyn Sofia

Astrologer • Psychic • Energy Healer

With a lifelong passion for the mystical and esoteric and decades of experience as a practitioner, teacher, and guide with over fifteen certifications in holistic and folk healing techniques including Reiki, Integrated Energy Therapy, Braucherei, ThetaHealing, and Astrology, I'm here to empower you with the insights, tools, and wisdom needed to explore the cosmic landscape and navigate your life
with intention.

Emily Dexter

Psychic • Activator • Historical Medium

In the past decade as a professional psychic, I have had worked with, read for, channeled in clarity for, unblocked, and activated the abilities of thousands of incredible clients including actors, filmmakers, CEOs, Olympians and coaches, and world-renowned musicians... and now, you! I'm here to help you unblock and develop your spiritual gifts in a supportive, grounded environment that prioritizes mental health.


Included in this program:

Over $2000 of bonus workbooks, resources and reading, affiliate links, meditations
+ more!



3 months of 2x weekly group calls with Emily & KristaLyn

Complete with hands on exercises and channeling experiences that you can do again and again as you continue throughout your magic journey! And a weekly Q&A with us!

An optional integrated & guided one-month Practicum in December

Spend December being held through various different folk and intuitive magic practices with guidance and mentorship from us! 

A curated and activated curriculum to help you step into your unique gifts & practice

Dive into all the things you have always wanted to learn about the world of spirituality with the guidance of an intentional curriculum crafted with you in mind. Includes weekly assignments, meditations, activation, prompts, card spreads and more. 

Private High Vibe Group moderated by Emily & KristaLyn

A special group space just for trainees in the practicum to connect and share ahas, realizations, cool shit, ask questions and more. We will be in the group supporting you throughout the entire journey!

Sixteen weeks of personal mentorship with Emily & KristaLyn (priceless!)

Get all of Emily & KristaLyn’s years of channeling, learning, discovery, magic and experience to guide you through your three months of growth.

Well over $11,500 in TOTAL VALUE



(+ optional $500 for the practicum!)

That’s a $7000 discount!

“AMAZING doesn’t begin to describe it! This course has cracked me open and magic is pouring out! Thank you, thank you, thank you for this course!”

— Student


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How does this program work?

The program is 12 weeks of instruction and curriculum created and led by Emily & KristaLyn. Plus the additional 4 weeks of the December Practicum. 

Each week of the program there will be a Live Lesson taught via video call where you will get weekly assignments and learning to aid your spiritual growth. Later in the week, Emily & KristaLyn will also host a Q&A call! 

Will I have space to talk with other program participants?

Absolutely! At the start of the program you will be added to the exclusive program group. The group runs like a Facebook group only cooler and in our own app-like space. You will be in the group space only with other cohort members and Emily & KristaLyn, so it’s a safe place to post questions, ahas, card pulls— you name it! 

How do I enroll in the program?

Click the button below which will take you to the enrollment screen. There, fill out the form, check the needed agreement boxes, and pay your first month's payment to grab your spot! All other payments will be made via email invoice. 

How much time will I need to devote to the program?

Other than the weekly calls, only about another hour or two, though you can devote more if you so choose! Magic is a lifestyle, you will get as much out of this as you put in. 

When does the program start?

The program begins Monday, August 12th with our first live lesson call!

I don’t know what my psychic abilities are, will this program help me?

Absolutely! This program teaches you the basics of connecting with your abilities along with how to implement your gifts into your life in a way that feels aligned. That being said, it’s important that you’re ready to go deep, beyond the basics, into all things woo woo! 

I’ve taken Emily’s & KrisaLyn's other courses, how is this one different?

This program offers broad understand of over 15 differ spiritual topics, modalities, techniques and practices to aid you in making your life a truly magically aligned experience. 


Unlike their other programs this program offers double the magic with not one but two knowledgeable mentors that will share their diverse expertise and perspectives to guide you on your spiritual path. 

How exactly do I get to work with Emily & KristaLyn during the program?

They will be working with the group and you during the live calls each week and mentoring in the group space as well.


They are your guides during this journey with a focus on encouraging you to develop and use your own abilities that will set you up for lifelong success in your spiritual and magical practices. 

Do you offer refunds?

Nope! Money is an exchange of energy and this program is a commitment to you and your magic and therefore we do not issue refunds as we want to ensure you commit fully to your journey!

Other questions? Please contact

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How to enroll & what to expect:

Because this is a beginner program, all are welcome to enroll and no application is required—regardless of your prior experience!


Click the button below to visit the program page and enroll. You will need to sign in or join the site prior to enrollment. Then, click the Join button to begin the enrollment process! 


Enroll & pay the program deposit of $999 to save your spot! This will be credited towards and count as your first of three months of tuition. (Optional Practicum is an additional fee of $500.)


You'll have immediate access to the program page, which will show the curriculum by the start date of August 12th. Stay tuned for program announcements (be sure to add our email as a contact!)


Image by Amandine BATAILLE

Join now—limited spots available!

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We take your privacy seriously and do not share your information.

Thanks for joining!

Image by Sindre Aalberg

© 2020-2024 by 9th House Experiences

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